exhibition_Alem DePompeia brasile


The Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture in Rio de Janeiro, the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Naples and Pompei and the Restoring Ancient Stabiae Foundation.

The exhibition is part of the program of events planned for the reembrace of Italy – Brazil 2011-2012, which aims to strengthen relations between the two countries economically, technologically, scientifically, culturally and educationally, placing the emphasis on similarities and mutual influences between Italy and Brazil. The central event of the cultural program was the 190th anniversary of the birth of Empress Teresa Cristina Maria de Bourbon, sister of the King of the Two Sicilies, Ferdinand II, and wife of Don Pedro II of Alcantara Braganza, second emperor of Brazil.  King Ferdinand II had a deep passion for archeology and was called “Empress archaeologist”; he promoted numerous excavations in the Veii area. Between 1853 and 1856, he organized and exported to Brazil a collection of ancient objects, some of such were from the Bourbon Royal Collection of Naples. He inspired a many Brazilians to love and learn all things Italian and even visited Brazil in the nineteenth century.  After that there grew a strong trade relationship between Southern Italy and Brazil.

Currently in Rio de Janeiro, in the Museo Nacional São Cristóvão (a former private residence for Emperors) lay about 700 Greek, Etruscan, and Roman artifacts some of which are from Pompei, Stabia, and the Bourbons.

The exhibition aims to promote knowledge of the ancient Stabia settlement through paintings and furnishings from dall’ager stabianus, so that visitors can learn about the beginnings of this grand culture and its evolution throughout time, until its abrupt ending in 79 AD.

Hence the title Além de Pompeya Redescobrindo or encanto de Stabiae, all Latin varients of “beyond Pompeii”.

Onlus foundation

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